Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Crucifixe in Divinopolis

Sometimes, Our Lady appeared near of Crucifixes in churches of Divinopolis, Brazil:

Message of 9/1/2008 – “Exalt and honor more the Cross of Jesus. Glorify Jesus Crucified.” 

Message of 1/30/2003 - "This is the Cross of my Son. How I suffered before her! Kiss the Cross and pray always before her. Jesus suffered with his Mother. Jesus invites you to suffer with Him and his Mother carrying your crosses." 

Message of 2/3/2003 - "Look at the Crucifix. My Son is not more Crucified, but He still suffers as on the Cross because of sins of the world today. You need to comfort Him. These Wounds are salvation. This Precious Blood will save you. Drink it. Adore Jesus on this Cross where He suffered with infinite love for you." 

Message of 3/15/2008 – “Contemplate Jesus Crucified. Recognize his Wounds were caused by your sins and decide not commit them more.” 

Message of 3/10/2004 - "Kneel before the Cross in the church, ask forgiveness for your sins and God will forgive you. Go to Him! He waits for you!" 

Message of 4/15/2006 - "God loves, loves, loves. He loves much. Look what He did for you on Friday of the Passion. He delivered Himself with Body and Soul to give eternal life in Paradise for you. Thank Him, sing to Him, pray to Him! Talk with Him and He will hear you. Praise and adore Him, adore Him because of this!”